In Season

The availability of Ontario fruits and vegetables are approximate and depend on location and Mother Nature. We strongly recommend that you call ahead to the farm you’ll be visiting to ensure it has available what you are looking for and to confirm directions and hours.

Note that many products are available year-round, including meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat, rabbit, chicken), eggs, maple syrup, honey and preserves.

Product May Jun e Jul y Aug ust Sep tember Oct ober Nov ember Dec ember
Apples x x x x
Asparagus x x
Beans x x x x x
Beets x x x x x x
Blueberries x x
Broccoli x x x x x
Cabbage x x x x x x
Carrots x x x x x x
Cauliflower x x x x x x
Celery x x x x
Cherries x x
Corn x x x x
Cucumber x x x x x
Eggplant x x x
Fiddleheads x
Grapes x x x
Lettuce x x x x x
Nectarines x x
Onions x x x x
Peaches x x x
Pears x x x x
Peas x x x x
Peppers x x x x
Plums x x x x
Potatoes x x x x x x
Radishes x x x x x x x
Raspberries x x x
Squash x x x x x
Strawberries x x
Tomatoes x x x x